UC Browser

UC Browser (1)


– #1 mobile browser on the Marketplace.
– Over 400 MILLION global users.
– 100% FREE, Super FAST with a SMOOTH operation.

Try something New:
★ Maximum tabs increased
Enables you to open a maximum 9 tabs.


★New tabs manager
Get a peek of the page while viewing tabs, quickly close tabs by sliding them.

★ Custom font
Pick a unique font for displaying pages in Speed Mode.

★ Faster Speed Dial
Get quicker access to Speed Dial.

★Watch Offline
Cache online videos on selected websites, then watch them later on your phone even without an internet connection.

★Visit as PC
By entering Desktop mode, you can now experience the full features of webpages as if you were on a PC.

★Flexible Modes
Includes Night Mode, Speed Mode, Incognito Browsing, Text-only Browsing. Added a brightness control for Night Mode.

★Smart Downloads
Keeps the screen on while downloading, which makes sure your Wi-Fi stays connected. Download your favorite ringtones, wallpapers and music with this great new feature.

★Customized Themes & Lockscreen Wallpaper
Change the browser skin from the UC Theme Center. These can also be used as lockscreen wallpapers.

★Multi-tabs management
Multiple tabs help you switch between different sites without refreshing.

★QR Code Scanning
Scan QR codes or use QR code images already in your phone.

★Speed Dial
Speed Dial and Site Navigation offer you a convenient way to access your favorite sites, such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, Yahoo and NY times.



Download size

8 MB

Last updated



Works with

  • Windows Phone 8
  • Windows Phone 7.5

App requires

  • phone identity
  • owner identity
  • video and still capture
  • media playback
  • data services
  • movement and directional sensor
  • HD720P (720×1280)
  • WVGA (480×800)
  • WXGA (768×1280)
  • photo, music, and video libraries
  • camera

Supported languages (6)

English (United States)русскийTiếng Việt中文(简体)中文(繁體)English
