Gold Diggers
Follow a team of notorious Gold Diggers while you take control of one of the wild west’s best kept secrets: Gigantic Superlicious Steam-Punk Digging Trams. Your goal? To find yourself some Gold! Just steer the Digging Machine through multiple layers of the earth while you dodge Giant Worms, Flame Pillars and any dangers hidden in the depths of our planet.
An Alien with a Magnet
Take control of our Alien and his spaceship and get him back to his home planet using just a magnet. Get ready to explore multiple galaxies using this magnet to orbit around colourful and unique planets to get to your goal. But beware of dark holes, challenging puzzles, multiple locks and asteroids blocking your path in space!
Blocky Roads
ESPN SportsCenter
An Alien with a Magnet
Take control of our Alien and his spaceship and get him back to his home planet using just a magnet. Get ready to explore multiple galaxies using this magnet to orbit around colorful and unique planets to get to your goal. But beware of dark holes, challenging puzzles, multiple locks and asteroids blocking your path in space!
Release the Ninja
Sky Go
Sky Go è il servizio che ti permette di PORTARE LA TUA TV OVUNQUE VUOI, sul tuo smartphone Nokia Lumia con Windows Phone 8. Sky Go è in esclusiva per tutti i clienti Sky e incluso nell’abbonamento senza costi aggiuntivi: scarica l’applicazione e attiva subito Sky Go nell’area Fai Da Te del sito