Lovely Rentals

Lovely Rentals (1)Description

Find your next home with Lovely!

Easily search thousands of homes and apartments for rent all in one place. Create a free account to turn your searches into Alerts and get notified as soon as new listings hit the market, by push notification or email.



● Know exactly what’s available and where — numbered dots on the map show how many listings are in each part of town
● Easily identify the freshest listings — colored dots and individual listing timestamps indicate how long listings have been on the market
● Make a list of your Favorites — save listings you care about the most and access them at any time
● Don’t waste your time — learn when your saved listings go off the market, so you don’t pursue stale listings
● Get in touch directly — email or call landlords directly, and get directions, with one tap
● Search anytime and anywhere — this app saves your Alerts, Favorites, and viewed listings so you can access them anytime by phone or from a computer

Use Lovely for a suite of simple yet powerful tools to help you find a home that you, well, love.

Please send us feedback on how we can make your experience even better: [email protected]


