GRE Vocab Lock

GRE Vocab Lock (1)Description

Did you know the average person unlocks their phone over 150 times a day? Imagine if every time you unlocked your phone you could study a new GRE or SAT vocabulary word!

Unlock your phone -> Answer a GRE / SAT Vocab Question -> Learn a new word ( English words only)

How to play: Unlock your phone and then drag the vocab word to its synonym. Green means right. Red means wrong. Our proprietary algorithms will repeat the vocab word until we are sure you understand it. If you don’t know the word, then drag to the little d to see the definition of the word. It is so simple it hurts.

We hope you like our new way to study vocabulary words for the GRE and SAT every time you unlock your phone! A great way to improve your GRE or SAT verbal score! This app is also a great way to increase your English vocab by learning new words!

Good luck on your GRE or SAT vocab / verbal section!

**UPGRADE: After upgrading then just reopen the app and set the number of words to your desired amount per day. The max with an upgrade is 50 a day**



We believe there are a lot of ways to improve your verbal score and learn more vocab words. We also recommend the flash cards apps from Magoosh and ( Manhattan Gmat).Magoosh has both gre and gmat options (verbal and math). Magoosh as a service is also brilliant. We feel that it is the best quality bang for your buck around. The videos are great and the people are responsive. We have no affiliation with Magoosh and were not paid for this endorsement. They just helped improve a lot of our friends’ math and verbal scores!

Other Apps that help you utilize your phone to study:

– Magoosh Gre Prep
– Magoosh Gre Flash Cards
– Magoosh GMAT Prep
– Magoosh English Video Lessons
– Magoosh SAT Vocabulary Flashcards
– Dictionary App by ( handy dictionary to have)

– Most of these app are flash card / dictionary apps brought to the next level. Unlike regular flash cards, they have slick user interfaces and a great memory. Basically, English words vocabulary flash cards 2.0!


Why are my words repeating? This is a key part of the app. It has a good memory and remembers when you get a word wrong and how many times you got it wrong. It will repeat a word until it is sure you know it! Repetition is a key part of increasing your English vocab. Say it again. Repetition is a key part of increasing your English vocab. You get the point…

Do you have vocab apps for languages other than English? Unfortunately, we only support the English language and we have no plans to support any language apart from English. Sorry!

How do I know if I got the word wrong or right? If the circle is green then you got the word right. Red means you got it wrong.

I found a mistake! Please email the [email protected] and we will fix it. Thanks for catching it.

GRE Vocabulary Words Vocab SAT gre sat flash cards phone flash word dictionary
flash cards definition unlock lock verbal GMAT english words


What’s New

-Fixes bug on upgrade screen


