
Clipless (1)Description

Discover new deals and coupons near you with Clipless!
There are tons of deals out there, but *finding* them is a challenge. With Clipless, you’ll never miss a deal again! Clipless is a “contextual” deal locator that follows you around and alerts you when discounts are offered at places that you’re actually at, using low-power location services to keep your battery happy. Use it to find deals near you at a single point in time, or put it into the background and let it roam with you. You can even start it at boot if you wish, and it will happily stay out of your way until it finds a deal near you. The result? Everything just costs less!
And don’t worry about missing deals. Unlike apps from individual deal providers, we’ve partnered with multiple deal aggregators to build one of the most comprehensive discount feeds on the net – our data is indirectly compiled from over 2,000 deal sites, and growing all the time! This feed is especially strong in the US and Canada.
1. Clipless will only alert you to nearby deals when it’s running (when the icon is shown in the notification bar). If you always want it to be running, check the “start at boot” option.
2. The default notification tone used in the app is silence, to avoid being intrusive (you will still notice the notifications in the notification bar when checking your device) – you can change this to an audible notification in the application settings.
Explanation of permissions:
Location: to know what deals are nearby, we need to know what “nearby” is!
Mock location: this is a standard permission for testing location services. We’re pretty fanatic about testing, because we want your experience with our apps to be awesome.
Run at startup: only used if you explicitly select the “run at boot” option.
Write to USB storage: the Google Maps API uses this, and we also use it for caching downloaded deal images.
Network communication: gotta talk to the ‘net to fetch the deals.
List accounts: deal recommendations are associated with your primary Google account, so they are preserved across devices. Also used by the Google Play Services API.
Vibrate: you can set the device to vibrate if a deal is found nearby



Clipless (2) Clipless (3) Clipless (4) Clipless (5)

What’s New

v1.4.1, Coming August 30, 2013
The main notification icon will be hidden by default. It can be shown in the settings.
The “launcher icon launches to background” option was removed (would have conflicted with the above).
Bugfixes for 3 issues experienced by 1% of users.
v1.4, August 27, 2013
Ratings! (On deals from Yelp at first, others soon)
Search and filtering!
Default for downloading icons changed from “wifi only” to “always”.
Default “nearby” radius changed from 100 meters to 500 meters.

