Clever Screen Lock
Clever Screen Lock is an application that will dynamically change out the lockscreen image on your phone. Optionally, a famous quote or saying displays at the top of image and changes daily. Become wiser reading quotes of famous people each day.
Added in version 2.1:
– added ability to manage application using voice commands. The main commands are: change lockscreen, add and delete quick note(full list in help);
– added ability to add quick note from main page, so now it is easy and fast to do.
Added in version 2.0:
– new image source – your media library. Now you can look at your favorite photos on your lockscreen;
– ability to set time range, in which you would get updates of your lockscreen;
– ability to add static text on center of screen;
– added toast notifications when lockscreen was updated;
– screen redising.
Added in version 1.6:
– fixed bug, so images keep changing after offline;
– ability to delete old images manually;
– auto delete of old images and manage number of images to leave in cache
– made image fullscreen so it looks nice;
– if in offline mode, lockscreen would be changed from old images.
Thank you for Your positive feedbacks. New features would be implemented in near future.
Features of Clever Screen Lock:
– dynamically change lockscreen images;
– ability to set the number of image changes per day(up to 8 image per day);
– option to include famous quotes or sayings over images;
– support of two languages: Russian and English;
– ability to share quote with you friends in social media;
-you can use live tiles for this application and see cool wallpapers not only on lockscreen;
– ability to leave feedback/idea to developers directly in application;
– ability to manage application using voice commands;
– all images are high quality and optimized for mobile resolution.
Download size
7 MB
Last updated
Works with
- Windows Phone 8
App requires
- phone identity
- location services
- photos library
- media playback
- microphone
- data services
- movement and directional sensor
- speech
- HD720P (720×1280)
- WVGA (480×800)
- WXGA (768×1280)